'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.wrapContentType = wrapContentType;
exports.wrapContentTypeCollection = wrapContentTypeCollection;
var _cloneDeep = require('lodash/cloneDeep');
var _cloneDeep2 = _interopRequireDefault(_cloneDeep);
var _freezeSys = require('contentful-sdk-core/freeze-sys');
var _freezeSys2 = _interopRequireDefault(_freezeSys);
var _enhanceWithMethods = require('../enhance-with-methods');
var _enhanceWithMethods2 = _interopRequireDefault(_enhanceWithMethods);
var _toPlainObject = require('contentful-sdk-core/mixins/to-plain-object');
var _toPlainObject2 = _interopRequireDefault(_toPlainObject);
var _instanceActions = require('../instance-actions');
var _editorInterface = require('./editor-interface');
var _errorHandler = require('../error-handler');
var _errorHandler2 = _interopRequireDefault(_errorHandler);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
* @memberof ContentType
* @typedef ContentType
* @prop {Meta.Sys} sys - System metadata
* @prop {string} name
* @prop {string} description
* @prop {string} displayField - Field used as the main display field for Entries
* @prop {Array<Field>} fields - All the fields contained in this Content Type
* @prop {function(): Object} toPlainObject() - Returns this Content Type as a plain JS object
function createContentTypeApi(http) {
return {
* Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties
* @memberof ContentType
* @func update
* @return {Promise<ContentType>} Object returned from the server with updated changes.
* @example
* contentType.name = 'New name'
* contentType.update()
* .then(contentType => console.log(contentType.name))
update: (0, _instanceActions.createUpdateEntity)({
http: http,
entityPath: 'content_types',
wrapperMethod: wrapContentType
* Deletes this object on the server.
* @memberof ContentType
* @func delete
* @return {Promise} Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
* @example
* contentType.delete()
* .catch(err => console.log(err))
delete: (0, _instanceActions.createDeleteEntity)({
http: http,
entityPath: 'content_types'
* Publishes the object
* @memberof ContentType
* @func publish
* @return {Promise<ContentType>} Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
* @example
* contentType.publish()
* .then(contentType => console.log(contentType.sys.publishedVersion))
publish: (0, _instanceActions.createPublishEntity)({
http: http,
entityPath: 'content_types',
wrapperMethod: wrapContentType
* Unpublishes the object
* @memberof ContentType
* @func unpublish
* @return {Promise<ContentType>} Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
* @example
* contentType.unpublish()
* .then(contentType => console.log(contentType.sys))
unpublish: (0, _instanceActions.createUnpublishEntity)({
http: http,
entityPath: 'content_types',
wrapperMethod: wrapContentType
* Gets the editor interface for the object <br />
* <strong>Important note</strong>: The editor interface only represent a published contentType.<br />
* To get the most recent representation of the contentType make sure to publish it first
* @memberof ContentType
* @func getEditorInterface
* @return {Promise<EditorInterface.EditorInterface>} Object returned from the server with the current editor interface.
* @example
* contentType.getEditorInterface()
* .then(editorInterface => console.log(editorInterface.controls))
getEditorInterface: function getEditorInterface() {
return http.get('content_types/' + this.sys.id + '/editor_interface').then(function (response) {
return (0, _editorInterface.wrapEditorInterface)(http, response.data);
}, _errorHandler2.default);
* Checks if the contentType is published. A published contentType might have unpublished changes (@see {ContentType.isUpdated})
* @memberof ContentType
* @func isPublished
* @return {boolean}
isPublished: (0, _instanceActions.createPublishedChecker)(),
* Checks if the contentType is updated. This means the contentType was previously published but has unpublished changes.
* @memberof ContentType
* @func isUpdated
* @return {boolean}
isUpdated: (0, _instanceActions.createUpdatedChecker)(),
* Checks if the contentType is in draft mode. This means it is not published.
* @memberof ContentType
* @func isDraft
* @return {boolean}
isDraft: (0, _instanceActions.createDraftChecker)()
* @private
* @param {Object} http - HTTP client instance
* @param {Object} data - Raw content type data
* @return {ContentType} Wrapped content type data
* Content Type instances
* @namespace ContentType
function wrapContentType(http, data) {
var contentType = (0, _toPlainObject2.default)((0, _cloneDeep2.default)(data));
(0, _enhanceWithMethods2.default)(contentType, createContentTypeApi(http));
return (0, _freezeSys2.default)(contentType);
* @memberof ContentType
* @typedef ContentTypeCollection
* @prop {number} total
* @prop {number} skip
* @prop {number} limit
* @prop {Array<ContentType.ContentType>} items
* @prop {function(): Object} toPlainObject() - Returns this Content Type collection as a plain JS object
* @private
* @param {Object} http - HTTP client instance
* @param {Object} data - Raw content type collection data
* @return {ContentTypeCollection} Wrapped content type collection data
function wrapContentTypeCollection(http, data) {
var contentTypes = (0, _toPlainObject2.default)((0, _cloneDeep2.default)(data));
contentTypes.items = contentTypes.items.map(function (entity) {
return wrapContentType(http, entity);
return (0, _freezeSys2.default)(contentTypes);