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import { Promise } from 'es6-promise'
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'
import { freezeSys, toPlainObject } from 'contentful-sdk-core'
import enhanceWithMethods from '../enhance-with-methods'
import errorHandler from '../error-handler'
import {
} from '../instance-actions'


 * @typedef {Asset} Asset
 * @property {Object} sys - Standard system metadata with additional asset specific properties
 * @property {string} sys.locale - If present, indicates the locale which this asset uses
 * @property {Object} fields - Object with content for each field
 * @property {string} fields.title - Title for this asset
 * @property {string} fields.description - Description for this asset
 * @property {Object} fields.file - File object for this asset
 * @property {Object} fields.file.fileName - Name for the file
 * @property {string} fields.file.contentType - Mime type for the file
 * @property {string} fields.file.upload - Url where the file is available to be downloaded from, into the Contentful asset system. After the asset is processed this field is gone.
 * @property {string} fields.file.url - Url where the file is available at the Contentful media asset system. This field won't be available until the asset is processed.
 * @property {Object} fields.file.details - Details for the file, depending on file type (example: image size in bytes, etc)
 * @property {boolean} isPublished - checks if the asset is published. A published asset might have unpublished changes (@see {Asset.isUpdated})
 * @property {boolean} isUpdated - Checks if the asset is updated. This means the asset was previously published but has unpublished changes.
 * @property {boolean} isArchived - Checks if asset is archived. This means it's not exposed to the Delivery/Preview APIs.
 * @property {boolean} isDraft - Checks if the asset is in draft mode. This means it is not published.
 * @property {function(): Promise<Asset>} update - Updates an asset
 * @property {function(): Promise<Asset>} delete - Deletes an asset
 * @property {function(): Promise<Asset>} publish - Publishes an asset
 * @property {function(): Promise<Asset>} unpublish - Unpublishes an asset
 * @property {function(): Promise<Asset>} archive - Archives an asset
 * @property {function(): Promise<Asset>} unarchive - Unarchives an asset
 * @property {function(locale: string, options: {processingCheckWait: number, processingCheckRetries: number}): Promise<Asset>} processForLocale - Triggers asset processing after an upload, for the file uploaded to a specific locale.
 * @property {function(options: {processingCheckWait: number, processingCheckRetries: number}): Promise<Asset>} processForAllLocales - Triggers asset processing after an upload, for the files uploaded to all locales of an asset.
 * @property {function(): Object} toPlainObject - Returns this Asset as a plain JS object
 * @example
 * // require contentful-management
 * var contentfulManagement = require('contentful-management')
 * var client = contentfulManagement.createClient({
 * // This is the access token for this space. Normally you get both ID and the token in the Contentful web app
 * accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
 * })
 * var space = await client.getSpace('SPACE_ID')
 * var asset = await space.getAsset('ASSET_ID')
 * // Example Creating an asset
 * var createdAsset = await space.createAsset(
 *   fields: {
 *     file: {
 *       'en-US': {
 *          contentType: 'image/jpeg',
 *          fileName: 'filename_english.jpg',
 *          upload: 'http://example.com/filename_original_en.jpg'
 *       },
 *       'de-DE': {
 *          contentType: 'image/jpeg',
 *          fileName: 'filename_german.jpg',
 *          upload: 'http://example.com/filename_original_de.jpg'
 *       }
 *     }
 *   }
 * )
 * // Example Updating an asset
 * asset.fields.title = 'My new Title'
 * asset.update()
 * .then(asset => console.log(asset.fields.name['en-US']))
 * // Process an asset for a specific locale
 * asset.processForLocale('en-US')
 * .then(asset => console.log(asset.fields.file['en-US'].url))
 * // Process Asset for all locales
 * asset.processForAllLocales()
 * .then(asset => console.log(asset.fields.file['en-US'].url, asset.fields.file['de-DE'].url))
 * // Publish an asset
 * asset.publish()
 * .then(asset => console.log(asset.sys.publishedVersion))
 * // Delete an asset
 * asset.delete()
 * .catch(err => console.log(err))
 * // unPublish an asset
 * asset.unpublish()
 * .then(asset => console.log(asset.sys))
 * // archive an asset
 * asset.archive()
 * .then(asset => console.log(asset.sys.archivedVersion))
 * // unarchive an asset
 * asset.unarchive()
 * .then(asset => console.log(asset.sys))

 * @typedef {AssetCollection} AssetCollection
 * @property {number} total - Total amount of records in the server
 * @property {number} skip - A starting point of the collection
 * @property {number} limit - Amount of records in collection
 * @property {Asset[]} items - an array of assets
 * @property {function(): Object} toPlainObject - Returns this Asset collection as a plain JS object
 * @example
 * // require contentful-management
 * var contentfulManagement = require('contentful-management')
 * var client = contentfulManagement.createClient({
 * // This is the access token for this space. Normally you get both ID and the token in the Contentful web app
 * accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
 * })
 * let space = await client.getSpace('SPACE_ID')
 * let assetCollection = await space.getAssets()
 * console.log("the space contains ", assetCollection.items.length, " assets")
 * assetCollection.items.forEach((asset) => {
 *    // do something with asset @link {Asset}
 * })
function createAssetApi (http) {
  function checkIfAssetHasUrl ({
    processingCheckWait = ASSET_PROCESSING_CHECK_WAIT,
    processingCheckRetries = ASSET_PROCESSING_CHECK_RETRIES,
    checkCount = 0
  }) {
    http.get('assets/' + id)
    .then((response) => wrapAsset(http, response.data), errorHandler)
    .then((asset) => {
      if (asset.fields.file[locale].url) {
      } else if (checkCount === processingCheckRetries) {
        const error = new Error()
        error.name = 'AssetProcessingTimeout'
        error.message = 'Asset is taking longer then expected to process.'
      } else {
          () => checkIfAssetHasUrl({
            resolve: resolve,
            reject: reject,
            id: id,
            locale: locale,
            checkCount: checkCount,

  function processForLocale (locale, {processingCheckWait, processingCheckRetries} = {}) {
    const assetId = this.sys.id
    return http.put('assets/' + this.sys.id + '/files/' + locale + '/process', null, {
      headers: {
        'X-Contentful-Version': this.sys.version
    .then(() => {
      return new Promise(
        (resolve, reject) => checkIfAssetHasUrl({
          resolve: resolve,
          reject: reject,
          id: assetId,
          locale: locale,
          processingCheckWait: processingCheckWait,
          processingCheckRetries: processingCheckRetries
    }, errorHandler)

  function processForAllLocales (options = {}) {
    const self = this
    const locales = Object.keys(this.fields.file)
    return Promise.all(locales.map((locale) => processForLocale.call(self, locale, options)))
    .then((assets) => assets[0])

  return {
     * Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func update
     * @return {Promise<Asset>} Object returned from the server with updated changes.
     * @example
    update: createUpdateEntity({
      http: http,
      entityPath: 'assets',
      wrapperMethod: wrapAsset

     * Deletes this object on the server.
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func delete
     * @return {Promise} Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
     * @example
    delete: createDeleteEntity({
      http: http,
      entityPath: 'assets'

     * Publishes the object
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func publish
     * @return {Promise<Asset>} Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
     * @example
    publish: createPublishEntity({
      http: http,
      entityPath: 'assets',
      wrapperMethod: wrapAsset

     * Unpublishes the object
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func unpublish
     * @return {Promise<Asset>} Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
     * @example
    unpublish: createUnpublishEntity({
      http: http,
      entityPath: 'assets',
      wrapperMethod: wrapAsset

     * Archives the object
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func archive
     * @return {Promise<Asset>} Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
     * @example
    archive: createArchiveEntity({
      http: http,
      entityPath: 'assets',
      wrapperMethod: wrapAsset

     * Unarchives the object
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func unarchive
     * @return {Promise<Asset>} Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
     * @example
    unarchive: createUnarchiveEntity({
      http: http,
      entityPath: 'assets',
      wrapperMethod: wrapAsset

     * Triggers asset processing after an upload, for the file uploaded to a specific locale.
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func processForLocale
     * @param {string} locale - Locale which processing should be triggered for
     * @param {object} options - Additional options for processing
     * @prop {number} options.processingCheckWait - Time in milliseconds to wait before checking again if the asset has been processed (default: 500ms)
     * @prop {number} options.processingCheckRetries - Maximum amount of times to check if the asset has been processed (default: 5)
     * @return {Promise<Asset>} Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
     * @throws {AssetProcessingTimeout} If the asset takes too long to process. If this happens, retrieve the asset again, and if the url property is available, then processing has succeeded. If not, your file might be damaged.
     * @example
    processForLocale: processForLocale,

     * Triggers asset processing after an upload, for the files uploaded to all locales of an asset.
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func processForAllLocales
     * @param {object} options - Additional options for processing
     * @prop {number} options.processingCheckWait - Time in milliseconds to wait before checking again if the asset has been processed (default: 500ms)
     * @prop {number} options.processingCheckRetries - Maximum amount of times to check if the asset has been processed (default: 5)
     * @return {Promise<Asset>} Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
     * @throws {AssetProcessingTimeout} If the asset takes too long to process. If this happens, retrieve the asset again, and if the url property is available, then processing has succeeded. If not, your file might be damaged.
     * @example
     * asset.processForAllLocales()
     * .then(asset => console.log(asset.fields.file['en-US'].url, asset.fields.file['de-DE'].url))
    processForAllLocales: processForAllLocales,

     * Checks if the asset is published. A published asset might have unpublished changes (@see {Asset.isUpdated})
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func isPublished
     * @return {boolean}
    isPublished: createPublishedChecker(),

     * Checks if the asset is updated. This means the asset was previously published but has unpublished changes.
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func isUpdated
     * @return {boolean}
    isUpdated: createUpdatedChecker(),

     * Checks if the asset is in draft mode. This means it is not published.
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func isDraft
     * @return {boolean}
    isDraft: createDraftChecker(),

     * Checks if asset is archived. This means it's not exposed to the Delivery/Preview APIs.
     * @memberof Asset
     * @func isArchived
     * @return {boolean}
    isArchived: createArchivedChecker()

 * @private
 * @param {Object} http - HTTP client instance
 * @param {Object} data - Raw asset data
 * @return {Asset} Wrapped asset data
export function wrapAsset (http, data) {
  const asset = toPlainObject(cloneDeep(data))
  enhanceWithMethods(asset, createAssetApi(http))
  return freezeSys(asset)

 * @private
 * @param {Object} http - HTTP client instance
 * @param {Object} data - Raw asset collection data
 * @return {AssetCollection} Wrapped asset collection data
export function wrapAssetCollection (http, data) {
  const assets = toPlainObject(cloneDeep(data))
  assets.items = assets.items.map((entity) => wrapAsset(http, entity))
  return freezeSys(assets)