Source code for contentful_management.content_type_field_types

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

import dateutil.parser
from .utils import unicode_class


This module implements the field coercion classes.

:copyright: (c) 2018 by Contentful GmbH.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

[docs]class BasicField(object): """ Base coercion class. """ def __init__(self, items=None): self._items = items
[docs] def coerce(self, value): """ Just returns the value. """ return value
def __repr__(self): return "<{0}>".format( self.__class__.__name__ )
[docs]class SymbolField(BasicField): """ Symbol coercion class. """
[docs] def coerce(self, value): """ Coerces value to str. """ return unicode_class()(value)
[docs]class TextField(SymbolField): """ Text coercion class. """ pass
[docs]class IntegerField(BasicField): """ Integer coercion class. """
[docs] def coerce(self, value): """ Coerces value to int. """ return int(value) if value is not None else None
[docs]class NumberField(BasicField): """ Number coercion class. """
[docs] def coerce(self, value): """ Coerces value to float. """ return float(value) if value is not None else None
[docs]class DateField(BasicField): """ Date coercion class. """
[docs] def coerce(self, value): """ Coerces ISO8601 date to :class:`datetime.datetime` object. """ return dateutil.parser.parse(value)
[docs]class BooleanField(BasicField): """ Boolean coercion class. """
[docs] def coerce(self, value): """ Coerces value to boolean. """ return bool(value)
[docs]class LinkField(BasicField): """ LinkField Nothing should be done here as include resolution is handled within entries due to depth handling (explained within Entry). Only present as a placeholder for proper resolution within ContentType. """ pass
[docs]class ArrayField(BasicField): """ Array coercion class. Coerces items in collection with it's proper coercion class. """ def __init__(self, items=None): super(ArrayField, self).__init__(items) self._coercion = self._get_coercion()
[docs] def coerce(self, value): """ Coerces array items with proper coercion. """ result = [] for v in value: result.append(self._coercion.coerce(v)) return result
def _get_coercion(self): return globals()["{0}Field".format(self._items.get('type'))]()
[docs]class ObjectField(BasicField): """ Object coercion class. """
[docs] def coerce(self, value): """ Coerces value to JSON. """ return json.loads(json.dumps(value))
[docs]class LocationField(BasicField): """ Location coercion class. """
[docs] def coerce(self, value): """ Coerces value to location hash. """ return { 'lat': float(value.get('lat', value.get('latitude'))), 'lon': float(value.get('lon', value.get('longitude'))) }
[docs]class RichTextField(BasicField): """ Rich Text coercion class. """
[docs] def coerce(self, value): """ Returns the rich text object as is. Include resolution and other particular processing is done for CDA only. """ return value
[docs]class ResourceLinkField(BasicField): """ ResourceLinkField Nothing should be done here as ResourceLink does not support entity resolution on the backend side and linked field can’t be used in ordering and filtering queries. """ pass