Source code for contentful_management.errors


This module implements the Error classes.

API reference:

:copyright: (c) 2018 by Contentful GmbH.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

[docs]class HTTPError(Exception): """ Base HTTP error class. """ def __init__(self, response): self.response = response self.status_code = response.status_code message = self._best_available_message(response) super(HTTPError, self).__init__(message) def _default_error_message(self): return "The following error was received: {0}".format(self.response.text) def _handle_details(self, details): return "{0}".format(details) def _has_additional_error_info(self): return False def _additional_error_info(self): return [] def _best_available_message(self, response): from .utils import json_error_class response_json = None error_message = [ "HTTP status code: {0}".format(self.status_code), ] try: response_json = response.json() message = response_json.get('message', None) details = response_json.get('details', None) request_id = response_json.get('requestId', None) if message is not None: error_message.append("Message: {0}".format(message)) else: error_message.append("Message: {0}".format(self._default_error_message())) if details is not None: error_message.append("Details: {0}".format(self._handle_details(details))) if request_id is not None: error_message.append("Request ID: {0}".format(request_id)) except json_error_class(): error_message.append("Message: {0}".format(self._default_error_message())) if self._has_additional_error_info(): error_message += self._additional_error_info() return "\n".join(error_message)
[docs]class BadRequestError(HTTPError): """ 400 """ def _default_error_message(self): return "The request was malformed or missing a required parameter." def _handle_details(self, details): from .utils import string_class if isinstance(details, string_class()): return details def _handle_detail(detail): if isinstance(detail, string_class()): return detail return detail.get('details', None) if 'errors' in details: inner_details = [_handle_detail(detail) for detail in details['errors']] inner_details = [detail for detail in inner_details if detail is not None] # This works in both Py2 and Py3 return "\n\t".join(inner_details) return str(details)
[docs]class UnauthorizedError(HTTPError): """ 401 """ def _default_error_message(self): return "The authorization token was invalid."
[docs]class AccessDeniedError(HTTPError): """ 403 """ def _default_error_message(self): return "The specified token does not have access to the requested resource." def _handle_details(self, details): return "\n\tReasons:\n\t\t{0}".format("\n\t\t".join(details['reasons']))
[docs]class NotFoundError(HTTPError): """ 404 """ def _default_error_message(self): return "The requested resource or endpoint could not be found." def _handle_details(self, details): from .utils import string_class if isinstance(details, string_class()): return details message = "The requested {0} could not be found.".format(details['type']) resource_id = details.get('id', None) if resource_id is not None: message += " ID: {0}.".format(resource_id) return message
[docs]class VersionMismatchError(HTTPError): """ 409 """ def _default_error_message(self): return 'Version mismatch error. The version you specified was incorrect. This may be due to someone else editing the content.'
[docs]class UnprocessableEntityError(HTTPError): """ 422 """ def _default_error_message(self): return 'The resource you sent in the body is invalid.' def _handle_error(self, error): message = '' if 'name' in error and 'path' in error: message = "\t* Name: {0} - Path: '{1}'".format( error['name'], error['path'] ) else: message = self._default_error_message() if 'value' in error: message = "{0} - Value: '{1}'".format( message, error['value'] ) return message def _handle_details(self, details): errors = [] for error in details['errors']: errors.append(self._handle_error(error)) return '\n{0}'.format('\n'.join(errors))
[docs]class RateLimitExceededError(HTTPError): """ 429 """ RATE_LIMIT_RESET_HEADER_KEY = 'x-contentful-ratelimit-reset' def _has_reset_time(self): return self.RATE_LIMIT_RESET_HEADER_KEY in self.response.headers
[docs] def reset_time(self): """Returns the reset time in seconds until next available request.""" return int(self.response.headers[ self.RATE_LIMIT_RESET_HEADER_KEY ])
def _has_additional_error_info(self): return self._has_reset_time() def _additional_error_info(self): return ["Time until reset (seconds): {0}".format(self.reset_time())] def _default_error_message(self): return "Rate limit exceeded. Too many requests."
[docs]class ServerError(HTTPError): """ 500 """ def _default_error_message(self): return "Internal server error."
[docs]class BadGatewayError(HTTPError): """ 502 """ def _default_error_message(self): return "The requested space is hibernated."
[docs]class ServiceUnavailableError(HTTPError): """ 503 """ def _default_error_message(self): return "The request was malformed or missing a required parameter."
[docs]def get_error(response): """ Gets Error by HTTP status code. """ errors = { 400: BadRequestError, 401: UnauthorizedError, 403: AccessDeniedError, 404: NotFoundError, 409: VersionMismatchError, 422: UnprocessableEntityError, 429: RateLimitExceededError, 500: ServerError, 502: BadGatewayError, 503: ServiceUnavailableError } error_class = HTTPError if response.status_code in errors: error_class = errors[response.status_code] return error_class(response)