import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'
import {toPlainObject, freezeSys} from 'contentful-sdk-core'
import mixinStringifySafe from '../mixins/stringify-safe'
import resolveResponse from 'contentful-resolve-response'
* Types of fields found in an Entry
* @namespace EntryFields
* @memberof EntryFields
* @typedef Symbol
* @type string
* @memberof EntryFields
* @typedef Text
* @type string
* @memberof EntryFields
* @typedef Integer
* @type number
* @memberof EntryFields
* @typedef Number
* @type number
* @memberof EntryFields
* @typedef Date
* @type string
* @memberof EntryFields
* @typedef Boolean
* @type boolean
* @memberof EntryFields
* @typedef Location
* @prop {string} lat - latitude
* @prop {string} lon - longitude
* A Field in an Entry can have one of the following types that can be defined in Contentful. See <a href="">Field Types</a> for more details.
* @memberof Entities
* @typedef Field
* @type EntryFields.Symbol | EntryFields.Text | EntryFields.Integer | EntryFields.Number | EntryFields.Date | EntryFields.Boolean | EntryFields.Location | Entities.Link | Array<EntryFields.Symbol|Entities.Link> | Object
* @memberof Entities
* @typedef Entry
* @prop {Entities.Sys} sys - Standard system metadata with additional entry specific properties
* @prop {Entities.Link} sys.contentType - Content Type used by this Entry
* @prop {string=} sys.locale - If present, indicates the locale which this entry uses
* @prop {Object<EntryFields.Field>} fields - Object with content for each field
* @prop {function(): Object} toPlainObject() - Returns this Entry as a plain JS object
* @private
* @param {Object} data - Raw entry data
* @return {Entry} Wrapped entry data
export function wrapEntry (data) {
return freezeSys(toPlainObject(cloneDeep(data)))
* @memberof Entities
* @typedef EntryCollection
* @prop {number} total
* @prop {number} skip
* @prop {number} limit
* @prop {Array<Entities.Entry>} items
* @prop {Array<Object>=} errors - Array of errors that might occur when retrieving entries.
* @prop {Object<Array>=} includes - Object with arrays of includes for Entries and Assets. This will be present if resolveLinks is on, and any linked entries or assets exist. Those links will be resolved in the Entries present in the items array, but they are also present here in raw form.
* @prop {function(): Object} toPlainObject() - Returns this Entry collection as a plain JS object
* @prop {function(?function=, space=): Object} stringifySafe(replacer,space) - Stringifies the entry collection, accounting for circular references. Circular references will be replaced with just a Link object, with a <code>circular</code> property set to <code>true</code>. See <a href="">MDN</a> and <a href="">json-stringify-safe</a> for more details on the arguments this method can take.
* Data is also mixed in with link getters if links exist and includes were requested
* @private
* @param {Object} data - Raw entry collection data
* @param {Object} options - wrapper options
* @return {EntryCollection} Wrapped entry collection data
export function wrapEntryCollection (data, {resolveLinks, removeUnresolved}) {
const wrappedData = mixinStringifySafe(toPlainObject(cloneDeep(data)))
if (resolveLinks) {
wrappedData.items = resolveResponse(wrappedData, {removeUnresolved, itemEntryPoints: ['fields']})
return freezeSys(wrappedData)