* See <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/concepts/sync/">Synchronization</a> for more information.
* @namespace Sync
import {createRequestConfig, freezeSys, toPlainObject} from 'contentful-sdk-core'
import resolveResponse from 'contentful-resolve-response'
import mixinStringifySafe from './mixins/stringify-safe'
* @memberof Sync
* @typedef SyncCollection
* @prop {Array<Entities.Entry>} entries - All existing entries on first sync. New and updated entries on subsequent syncs.
* @prop {Array<Entities.Asset>} assets - All existing assets on first sync. New and updated assets on subsequent syncs.
* @prop {Array<Sync.DeletedEntry>} deletedEntries - List of deleted Entries since last sync
* @prop {Array<Sync.DeletedAsset>} deletedAssets - List of deleted Assets since last sync
* @prop {string} nextSyncToken - Token to be sent to the next sync call
* @prop {function(): Object} toPlainObject() - Returns this Sync collection as a plain JS object
* @prop {function(?function=, space=): Object} stringifySafe(replacer,space) - Stringifies the Sync collection, accounting for circular references. Circular references will be replaced with just a Link object, with a <code>circular</code> property set to <code>true</code>. See <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify">MDN</a> and <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-stringify-safe">json-stringify-safe</a> for more details on the arguments this method can take.
* Deleted Entries are the same as Entries, but only appear on the sync API.
* @memberof Sync
* @typedef DeletedEntry
* @type Entities.Entry
* Deleted Assets are the same as Assets, but only appear on the sync API.
* @memberof Sync
* @typedef DeletedAsset
* @type Entities.Asset
* This module retrieves all the available pages for a sync operation
* @private
* @param {Object} http - HTTP client
* @param {Object} query - Query object
* @param {Object} options - Sync options object
* @param {boolean} [options.resolveLinks = true] - If links should be resolved
* @param {boolean} [options.removeUnresolved = false] - If unresolvable links should get removed
* @param {boolean} [options.paginate = true] - If further sync pages should automatically be crawled
* @return {Promise<SyncCollection>}
export default function pagedSync (http, query, options = {}) {
if (!query || (!query.initial && !query.nextSyncToken && !query.nextPageToken)) {
throw new Error('Please provide one of `initial`, `nextSyncToken` or `nextPageToken` parameters for syncing')
if (query && query.content_type && !query.type) {
query.type = 'Entry'
} else if (query && query.content_type && query.type && query.type !== 'Entry') {
throw new Error('When using the `content_type` filter your `type` parameter cannot be different from `Entry`.')
const defaultOptions = { resolveLinks: true, removeUnresolved: false, paginate: true }
const { resolveLinks, removeUnresolved, paginate } = {
const syncOptions = {
return getSyncPage(http, [], query, syncOptions)
.then((response) => {
// clones response.items used in includes because we don't want these to be mutated
if (resolveLinks) {
response.items = resolveResponse(response, {removeUnresolved, itemEntryPoints: ['fields']})
// maps response items again after getters are attached
const mappedResponseItems = mapResponseItems(response.items)
if (response.nextSyncToken) {
mappedResponseItems.nextSyncToken = response.nextSyncToken
if (response.nextPageToken) {
mappedResponseItems.nextPageToken = response.nextPageToken
return freezeSys(mixinStringifySafe(toPlainObject(mappedResponseItems)))
}, (error) => {
throw error
* @private
* @param {Array<Entities.Entry|Entities.Array|Sync.DeletedEntry|Sync.DeletedAsset>} items
* @return {Object} Entities mapped to an object for each entity type
function mapResponseItems (items) {
const reducer = (type) => {
return (accumulated, item) => {
if (item.sys.type === type) {
return accumulated
return {
entries: items.reduce(reducer('Entry'), []),
assets: items.reduce(reducer('Asset'), []),
deletedEntries: items.reduce(reducer('DeletedEntry'), []),
deletedAssets: items.reduce(reducer('DeletedAsset'), [])
* If the response contains a nextPageUrl, extracts the sync token to get the
* next page and calls itself again with that token.
* Otherwise, if the response contains a nextSyncUrl, extracts the sync token
* and returns it.
* On each call of this function, any retrieved items are collected in the
* supplied items array, which gets returned in the end
* @private
* @param {Object} http
* @param {Array<Entities.Entry|Entities.Array|Sync.DeletedEntry|Sync.DeletedAsset>} items
* @param {Object} query
* @param {Object} options - Sync page options object
* @param {boolean} [options.paginate = true] - If further sync pages should automatically be crawled
* @return {Promise<{items: Array, nextSyncToken: string}>}
function getSyncPage (http, items, query, { paginate }) {
if (query.nextSyncToken) {
query.sync_token = query.nextSyncToken
delete query.nextSyncToken
if (query.nextPageToken) {
query.sync_token = query.nextPageToken
delete query.nextPageToken
if (query.sync_token) {
delete query.initial
delete query.type
delete query.content_type
return http.get('sync', createRequestConfig({query: query}))
.then((response) => {
const data = response.data
items = items.concat(data.items)
if (data.nextPageUrl) {
if (paginate) {
delete query.initial
query.sync_token = getToken(data.nextPageUrl)
return getSyncPage(http, items, query, { paginate })
return {
items: items,
nextPageToken: getToken(data.nextPageUrl)
} else if (data.nextSyncUrl) {
return {
items: items,
nextSyncToken: getToken(data.nextSyncUrl)
* Extracts token out of an url
* @private
function getToken (url) {
const urlParts = url.split('?')
return urlParts.length > 0 ? urlParts[1].replace('sync_token=', '') : ''