Class | Description |
CMARichBlock |
A collection of several nodes.
CMARichDocument |
The base of a rich text field, containing all the other nodes.
CMARichEmbeddedLink |
This node is an inline link to a CMAEntry
CMARichHeading |
Defines a headline of the text.
CMARichHorizontalRule |
A node representing a division, called a horizontal rule.
CMARichHyperLink |
This block represents a link to a website.
CMARichListItem |
A block representing an item inside a list.
CMARichMark |
How to draw a given text.
CMARichMark.CMARichMarkBold |
A bold mark of a rich text.
CMARichMark.CMARichMarkCode |
The text marked by this marker should be represented by Code.
CMARichMark.CMARichMarkCustom |
Any custom marker for a given rich text.
CMARichMark.CMARichMarkItalic |
Declares the text as being displayed in italics.
CMARichMark.CMARichMarkUnderline |
Marker for making the rich text displayed as underline.
CMARichNode |
A leaf node of the rich text hierarchy.
CMARichOrderedList |
A list of elements, ordered by number.
CMARichParagraph |
A paragraph of nodes, usually rendered together.
CMARichQuote |
A block of nodes rendered as a direct quote.
CMARichText |
A leaf element of the rich text node graph: Render a given text with the given markings.
CMARichUnorderedList |
Representation of a block of unordered items.
RichTextFactory |
This factory will be used in order to create the
CMARichNode -graph representation of
the Contentful data returned by a rich text - field. |
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