
  • ReleaseQueryOptions


entities.sys.id[in]?: string

Find releases containing the specified, comma-separated entities. Requires entities.sys.linkType

entities.sys.linkType?: string

Find releases filtered by the Entity type (Asset, Entry)

entities[exists]?: boolean

Filter by empty Releases (exists=false) or Releases with items (exists=true)

limit?: number

Limit how many records are returned in the result



order?: string

Order releases Supported values include

  • title, -title
  • sys.updatedAt, -sys.updatedAt
  • sys.createdAt, -sys.createdAt



pageNext?: string

If present, will return results based on a pagination cursor

sys.createdBy.sys.id[in]?: string

Comma-separated list of user Ids to find releases by creator

sys.id[in]?: string

Comma-separated list of Ids to find (inclusion)

sys.id[nin]?: string

Comma-separated list of ids to exclude from the query

sys.status[in]?: ReleaseStatus

Comma-separated filter (inclusion) by Release status (active, archived)

sys.status[nin]?: ReleaseStatus

Comma-separated filter (exclusion) by Release status (active, archived)

title[match]?: string

Find releases using full text phrase and term matching