ApplicationClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Console
CLI Application with Helpers for the Contentful SDK.
AssetClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
Asset class.
$ExtendedProperty in class Extended
$StandardProperty in class Standard
AssetClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
BaseResource::asLink() — Method in class BaseResource
ContentType::addUnknownField() — Method in class ContentType
Adds a runtime field, of type unknown.
Entry::all() — Method in class Entry
Returns all fields of the current entry, with some optimizations applied.
AssetClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties


BaseCacheHandlerClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Cache
BaseCacheCommandClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Console
Asset::buildFile() — Method in class Asset
Creates a File or a subclass thereof.
BaseMapperClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
BaseMapper class.
$BaseMapperProperty in class BaseMapper
BaseTaggedMapperClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
Class BaseTaggedMapper.
ResourceBuilder::build() — Method in class ResourceBuilder
BaseResourceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
BaseSystemPropertiesClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties
A SystemProperties instance contains the metadata of a resource.


$BaseCacheHandlerProperty in class BaseCacheHandler
$BaseCacheHandlerProperty in class BaseCacheHandler
CacheClearerClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Cache
CacheClearer class.
CacheClearer::clear() — Method in class CacheClearer
CacheItemPoolFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Cache
CacheWarmerClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Cache
CacheWarmer class.
ClientClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery
A Client is used to communicate the Contentful Delivery API.
$ClientProperty in class Client
ClientOptionsClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery
ClientOptions::create() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientInterfaceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Client
$BaseCacheCommandProperty in class BaseCacheCommand
$BaseCacheCommandProperty in class BaseCacheCommand
BaseCacheCommand::configure() — Method in class BaseCacheCommand
ClearCacheCommandClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Console
$BaseMapperProperty in class BaseMapper
BaseMapper::createSystemProperties() — Method in class BaseMapper
BaseTaggedMapper::createTags() — Method in class BaseTaggedMapper
ContentTypeClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
ContentType class.
ResourceBuilder::createMapper() — Method in class ResourceBuilder
$ExtendedProperty in class Extended
$ExtendedProperty in class Extended
Factory::create() — Method in class Factory
Creates the appropriate ResourcePool object using the given client and options.
ContentTypeClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
Content Types are schemas that define the fields of Entries. Every Entry can only contain values in the fields defined by its Content Type, and the values of those fields must match the data type defined in the Content Type.
$EntryProperty in class Entry
$LocaleProperty in class Locale
Manager::continueSync() — Method in class Manager
Continues the synchronization either at the next page, or with the results since the initial synchronization.
ContentTypeTraitClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties\Component
$ContentTypeTraitProperty in class ContentTypeTrait
$EditedTraitProperty in class EditedTrait
ContentTypeClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties


DeletedAssetClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
DeletedAsset class.
DeletedContentTypeClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
DeletedContentType class.
DeletedEntryClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
DeletedEntry class.
$AssetProperty in class Asset
$ContentTypeProperty in class ContentType
Description of the Content Type.
$ContentTypeProperty in class ContentType
ID of main field used for display.
$FieldProperty in class Field
Describes whether the Field is disabled.
DeletedAssetClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
A DeletedAsset describes an asset that has been deleted.
DeletedContentTypeClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
A DeletedContentType describes a content type that has been deleted.
DeletedEntryClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
A DeletedEntry describes an entry that has been deleted.
DeletedResourceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
A DeletedResource encodes metadata about a deleted resource.
$EntryProperty in class Entry
$LocaleProperty in class Locale
ScopedJsonDecoder::decode() — Method in class ScopedJsonDecoder
DeletedTraitClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties\Component
$DeletedTraitProperty in class DeletedTrait
DeletedAssetClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties
DeletedContentTypeClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties
DeletedEntryClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties


ClearCacheCommand::execute() — Method in class ClearCacheCommand
WarmUpCacheCommand::execute() — Method in class WarmUpCacheCommand
EntryClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
Entry class.
EnvironmentClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
Environment class.
ExtendedClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\ResourcePool
Extended class.
$StandardProperty in class Standard
EntryClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
EnvironmentClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
ScopedJsonDecoder::extractEnvironmentId() — Method in class ScopedJsonDecoder
Checks a data structure and extracts the environment ID, if present.
EditedTraitClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties\Component
EnvironmentTraitClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties\Component
$EnvironmentTraitProperty in class EnvironmentTrait
EntryClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties
EnvironmentClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties


BaseCacheHandler::fetchResources() — Method in class BaseCacheHandler
FactoryClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\ResourcePool
Factory class.
$AssetProperty in class Asset
$ContentTypeProperty in class ContentType
The fields, keyed by ID.
FieldClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource\ContentType
A Field describes one field of a ContentType.
$EntryProperty in class Entry
$LocaleProperty in class Locale


CacheItemPoolFactoryInterface::getCacheItemPool() — Method in class CacheItemPoolFactoryInterface
Returns a PSR-6 CacheItemPoolInterface object.
Client::getApi() — Method in class Client
Returns a string representation of the API currently in use.
Client::getSpaceId() — Method in class Client
Returns the ID of the space currently in use.
Client::getEnvironmentId() — Method in class Client
Returns the ID of the environment currently in use.
Client::getResourceBuilder() — Method in class Client
Client::getRichTextParser() — Method in class Client
Client::getSdkName() — Method in class Client
Client::getPackageName() — Method in class Client
Client::getApiContentType() — Method in class Client
Client::getResourcePool() — Method in class Client
Returns the resource pool currently in use.
Client::getAsset() — Method in class Client
Returns a single Asset object corresponding to the given ID.
Client::getAssets() — Method in class Client
Returns a collection of Asset objects wrapped in a ResourceArray instance.
Client::getContentType() — Method in class Client
Returns a single ContentType object corresponding to the given ID.
Client::getContentTypes() — Method in class Client
Returns a collection of ContentType objects wrapped in a ResourceArray instance.
Client::getEnvironment() — Method in class Client
Returns the Environment object corresponding to the one in use.
Client::getEntry() — Method in class Client
Returns a single Entry object corresponding to the given ID.
Client::getTag() — Method in class Client
Find a specific tag by its id.
Client::getAllTags() — Method in class Client
Returns all tags in the current space and environment.
Client::getEntries() — Method in class Client
Returns a collection of Entry objects wrapped in a ResourceArray instance.
Client::getSpace() — Method in class Client
Returns the Space object corresponding to the one in use.
Client::getSynchronizationManager() — Method in class Client
Get an instance of the synchronization manager.
Client::getQueryPool() — Method in class Client
Returns the query pool currently in use.
ClientOptions::getDefaultLocale() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::getHost() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::getCacheItemPool() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::getLogger() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::getHttpClient() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::getQueryCacheItemPool() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::getQueryCacheLifetime() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientInterface::getAsset() — Method in class ClientInterface
Returns a single Asset object corresponding to the given ID.
ClientInterface::getAssets() — Method in class ClientInterface
Returns a collection of Asset objects wrapped in a ResourceArray instance.
ClientInterface::getContentType() — Method in class ClientInterface
Returns a single ContentType object corresponding to the given ID.
ClientInterface::getContentTypes() — Method in class ClientInterface
Returns a collection of ContentType objects wrapped in a ResourceArray instance.
ClientInterface::getEnvironment() — Method in class ClientInterface
Returns the Environment object corresponding to the one in use.
ClientInterface::getEntry() — Method in class ClientInterface
Returns a single Entry object corresponding to the given ID.
ClientInterface::getEntries() — Method in class ClientInterface
Returns a collection of Entry objects wrapped in a ResourceArray instance.
ClientInterface::getSpace() — Method in class ClientInterface
Returns the Space object corresponding to the one in use.
ClientInterface::getTag() — Method in class ClientInterface
Find a specific tag by its id.
ClientInterface::getAllTags() — Method in class ClientInterface
Returns all tags in the current space and environment.
ScopedClientInterface::getApi() — Method in class ScopedClientInterface
Returns a string representation of the API currently in use.
ScopedClientInterface::getSpaceId() — Method in class ScopedClientInterface
Returns the ID of the space currently in use.
ScopedClientInterface::getEnvironmentId() — Method in class ScopedClientInterface
Returns the ID of the environment currently in use.
SynchronizationClientInterface::getSynchronizationManager() — Method in class SynchronizationClientInterface
Get an instance of the synchronization manager.
Application::getDefaultCommands() — Method in class Application
BaseCacheCommand::getCommandName() — Method in class BaseCacheCommand
ClearCacheCommand::getCommandName() — Method in class ClearCacheCommand
WarmUpCacheCommand::getCommandName() — Method in class WarmUpCacheCommand
Query::getQueryData() — Method in class Query
Returns the parameters to execute this query.
QueryPoolInterface::get() — Method in class QueryPoolInterface
QueryPoolInterface::generateKey() — Method in class QueryPoolInterface
Standard::get() — Method in class Standard
Standard::generateKey() — Method in class Standard
ResourceBuilder::getMapperNamespace() — Method in class ResourceBuilder
ResourceBuilder::getSystemType() — Method in class ResourceBuilder
Standard::getResourceLocale() — Method in class Standard
Standard::get() — Method in class Standard
Standard::generateKey() — Method in class Standard
Asset::getSystemProperties() — Method in class Asset
Asset::getSpace() — Method in class Asset
Returns the space this asset belongs to.
Asset::getEnvironment() — Method in class Asset
Returns the environment this asset belongs to.
Asset::getTitle() — Method in class Asset
Asset::getDescription() — Method in class Asset
Asset::getFile() — Method in class Asset
BaseResource::getId() — Method in class BaseResource
BaseResource::getType() — Method in class BaseResource
ContentType::getSystemProperties() — Method in class ContentType
ContentType::getSpace() — Method in class ContentType
Returns the space this content type belongs to.
ContentType::getEnvironment() — Method in class ContentType
Returns the environment this content type belongs to.
ContentType::getName() — Method in class ContentType
Returns the name of this content type.
ContentType::getFields() — Method in class ContentType
Returns all the fields of this content type as an associative array.
ContentType::getDescription() — Method in class ContentType
Returns the content type's description.
ContentType::getField() — Method in class ContentType
Returns the field for the passed id.
ContentType::getDisplayField() — Method in class ContentType
Returns the the display field of a content type. Commonly this is the title.
Field::getId() — Method in class Field
Returns the ID of the field.
Field::getName() — Method in class Field
Returns the name of the field.
Field::getType() — Method in class Field
Returns the type of the field.
Field::getLinkType() — Method in class Field
If the field is a link, this will return the type of the linked resource.
Field::getItemsType() — Method in class Field
If the field is an array, this returns the type of its items.
Field::getItemsLinkType() — Method in class Field
If the field is an array, and it's items are links, this returns the type of the linked resources.
DeletedAsset::getSystemProperties() — Method in class DeletedAsset
DeletedContentType::getSystemProperties() — Method in class DeletedContentType
DeletedEntry::getSystemProperties() — Method in class DeletedEntry
DeletedEntry::getContentType() — Method in class DeletedEntry
This method always returns null when used with the sync API.
Entry::getSystemProperties() — Method in class Entry
Entry::getSpace() — Method in class Entry
Returns the space this entry belongs to.
Entry::getEnvironment() — Method in class Entry
Returns the environment this entry belongs to.
Entry::getContentType() — Method in class Entry
Entry::get() — Method in class Entry
Returns a the value of a field using the given locale.
Entry::getReferences() — Method in class Entry
Gets all entries that contain links to the current one.
Entry::getTags() — Method in class Entry
Get all tags of the entry.
Environment::getSystemProperties() — Method in class Environment
Environment::getLocales() — Method in class Environment
Environment::getLocale() — Method in class Environment
Environment::getDefaultLocale() — Method in class Environment
Returns the default locale for this space.
Locale::getSystemProperties() — Method in class Locale
Locale::getCode() — Method in class Locale
Returns the locale code.
Locale::getName() — Method in class Locale
Returns the human readable name.
Locale::getFallbackCode() — Method in class Locale
Returns the code of the locale used for for the fallback.
LocalizedResource::getLocale() — Method in class LocalizedResource
The locale code for the currently set locale.
LocalizedResource::getLocaleFromInput() — Method in class LocalizedResource
Space::getSystemProperties() — Method in class Space
Space::getName() — Method in class Space
Returns the name of this space.
Tag::getSystemProperties() — Method in class Tag
Tag::getName() — Method in class Tag
Returns the name of this space.
Query::getQueryData() — Method in class Query
Returns the parameters to execute this query.
Query::getQueryString() — Method in class Query
The urlencoded query string for this query.
Result::getItems() — Method in class Result
Returns the items retrieved by this synchronization operation.
Result::getToken() — Method in class Result
Returns the token needed to continue the synchronization.
BaseSystemProperties::getId() — Method in class BaseSystemProperties
BaseSystemProperties::getType() — Method in class BaseSystemProperties
ContentTypeTrait::getContentType() — Method in class ContentTypeTrait
DeletedTrait::getDeletedAt() — Method in class DeletedTrait
EditedTrait::getCreatedAt() — Method in class EditedTrait
EditedTrait::getUpdatedAt() — Method in class EditedTrait
EnvironmentTrait::getEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentTrait
LocaleTrait::getLocale() — Method in class LocaleTrait
RevisionTrait::getRevision() — Method in class RevisionTrait
SpaceTrait::getSpace() — Method in class SpaceTrait
TagTrait::getTags() — Method in class TagTrait


ClientOptions::hasCacheAutoWarmup() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::hasCacheContent() — Method in class ClientOptions
$BaseMapperProperty in class BaseMapper
QueryPoolInterface::has() — Method in class QueryPoolInterface
Standard::has() — Method in class Standard
Standard::has() — Method in class Standard
Entry::has() — Method in class Entry
Checks whether the current entry has a field with a certain ID.


Client::isDeliveryApi() — Method in class Client
Returns true when using the Delivery API.
Client::isPreviewApi() — Method in class Client
Returns true when using the Preview API.
BaseCacheCommand::initClient() — Method in class BaseCacheCommand
$FieldProperty in class Field
ID of the Field.
$FieldProperty in class Field
(Array type only) Type for items.
$FieldProperty in class Field
(Array of links only) Type of links.
Field::isRequired() — Method in class Field
Returns true if this field is required.
Field::isLocalized() — Method in class Field
Returns true if the field contains locale dependent content.
Field::isDisabled() — Method in class Field
True if the field is disabled.
Entry::isFieldLocalized() — Method in class Entry
Returns true if the field contains locale dependent content.
Entry::initTags() — Method in class Entry
Initialize an entries tags.
Locale::isDefault() — Method in class Locale
Returns true if this is the default locale for the space.
LocalizedResource::initLocales() — Method in class LocalizedResource
Result::isDone() — Method in class Result
Returns true if there are currently no more results in the synchronization.
$BaseSystemPropertiesProperty in class BaseSystemProperties
ContentTypeTrait::initContentType() — Method in class ContentTypeTrait
DeletedTrait::initDeletedAt() — Method in class DeletedTrait
EditedTrait::initEdited() — Method in class EditedTrait
EnvironmentTrait::initEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentTrait
LocaleTrait::initLocale() — Method in class LocaleTrait
RevisionTrait::initRevision() — Method in class RevisionTrait
SpaceTrait::initSpace() — Method in class SpaceTrait
TagTrait::initTags() — Method in class TagTrait


JsonDecoderClientInterfaceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Client
Asset::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Asset
ContentType::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ContentType
Field::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Field
DeletedResource::jsonSerialize() — Method in class DeletedResource
Entry::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Entry
Environment::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Environment
Locale::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Locale
Space::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Space
Tag::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Tag
BaseSystemProperties::jsonSerialize() — Method in class BaseSystemProperties
ContentTypeTrait::jsonSerializeContentType() — Method in class ContentTypeTrait
DeletedTrait::jsonSerializeDeletedAt() — Method in class DeletedTrait
EditedTrait::jsonSerializeEdited() — Method in class EditedTrait
EnvironmentTrait::jsonSerializeEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentTrait
LocaleTrait::jsonSerializeLocale() — Method in class LocaleTrait
RevisionTrait::jsonSerializeRevision() — Method in class RevisionTrait
SpaceTrait::jsonSerializeSpace() — Method in class SpaceTrait
TagTrait::jsonSerializeSpace() — Method in class TagTrait
ContentType::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ContentType
DeletedAsset::jsonSerialize() — Method in class DeletedAsset
DeletedContentType::jsonSerialize() — Method in class DeletedContentType
DeletedEntry::jsonSerialize() — Method in class DeletedEntry
Entry::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Entry
Locale::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Locale
LocalizedResource::jsonSerialize() — Method in class LocalizedResource


LinkResolverClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery
LocaleClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
Locale class.
$FieldProperty in class Field
Type of the linked resource.
$FieldProperty in class Field
Describes whether the Field is localized.
$EnvironmentProperty in class Environment
LocaleClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
Value object encoding a locale.
LocalizedResourceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
A LocalizedResource can store information for multiple locales.
$LocalizedResourceProperty in class LocalizedResource
List of codes for all the locales available in the space this resource belongs to.
LocaleTraitClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties\Component
$LocaleTraitProperty in class LocaleTrait
LocaleClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties
LocalizedResourceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties


Asset::map() — Method in class Asset
ContentType::map() — Method in class ContentType
ContentType::mapField() — Method in class ContentType
DeletedAsset::map() — Method in class DeletedAsset
DeletedContentType::map() — Method in class DeletedContentType
DeletedEntry::map() — Method in class DeletedEntry
Entry::map() — Method in class Entry
Environment::map() — Method in class Environment
Locale::map() — Method in class Locale
ResourceArray::map() — Method in class ResourceArray
Space::map() — Method in class Space
Tag::map() — Method in class Tag
ManagerClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Synchronization
The synchronization Manager can be used to sync a Space to this server.


BaseMapper::normalizeFieldData() — Method in class BaseMapper
$ContentTypeProperty in class ContentType
Name of the Content Type.
$FieldProperty in class Field
Name of the Field.
$LocaleProperty in class Locale
$SpaceProperty in class Space
$TagProperty in class Tag


Entry::offsetGet() — Method in class Entry
Entry::offsetExists() — Method in class Entry
Entry::offsetSet() — Method in class Entry
Entry::offsetUnset() — Method in class Entry


Client::parseJson() — Method in class Client
Parse a JSON string.
JsonDecoderClientInterface::parseJson() — Method in class JsonDecoderClientInterface
Parse a JSON string.


QueryClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery
A Query is used to filter and order collections when making API requests.
QueryPoolInterfaceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery
QueryClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Synchronization
A sync Query can be used to limit what type of resources and events should be synced.


$BaseCacheHandlerProperty in class BaseCacheHandler
Client::resolveLink() — Method in class Client
Resolve a link to its actual resource.
Client::resolveLinkCollection() — Method in class Client
Resolves an array of links.
Client::request() — Method in class Client
ClientInterface::resolveLink() — Method in class ClientInterface
Resolve a link to its actual resource.
ClientInterface::resolveLinkCollection() — Method in class ClientInterface
Resolves an array of links.
$BaseCacheCommandProperty in class BaseCacheCommand
LinkResolver::resolveLink() — Method in class LinkResolver
LinkResolver::resolveLinkCollection() — Method in class LinkResolver
$BaseMapperProperty in class BaseMapper
ResourceArrayClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
ResourceArray class.
ResourceBuilderClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery
ResourceBuilder class.
ResourcePoolClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery
ResourcePool class.
$FieldProperty in class Field
Describes whether the Field is mandatory.
ResultClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Synchronization
The Result of synchronization.
RevisionTraitClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties\Component
$RevisionTraitProperty in class RevisionTrait


Client::syncRequest() — Method in class Client
Internal method for the sync manager.
ScopedClientInterfaceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Client
SynchronizationClientInterfaceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Client
SynchronizationClientInterface::syncRequest() — Method in class SynchronizationClientInterface
Internal method for the sync manager.
SpaceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
Space class.
Query::setInclude() — Method in class Query
Set the amount of levels of links that should be resolved.
Query::setLocale() — Method in class Query
Sets the locale for which content should be retrieved. Set it to * to retrieve all locales.
QueryPoolInterface::save() — Method in class QueryPoolInterface
Saves the given query into the pool.
StandardClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\QueryPool
Standard::save() — Method in class Standard
Saves the given query into the pool.
Extended::savesResource() — Method in class Extended
Determines whether the given resource type must be actually stored.
Extended::save() — Method in class Extended
StandardClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\ResourcePool
Standard class.
$StandardProperty in class Standard
Standard::savesResource() — Method in class Standard
Determines whether the given resource type must be actually stored.
Standard::save() — Method in class Standard
$AssetProperty in class Asset
$ContentTypeProperty in class ContentType
$DeletedAssetProperty in class DeletedAsset
$DeletedContentTypeProperty in class DeletedContentType
$DeletedEntryProperty in class DeletedEntry
$EntryProperty in class Entry
$EnvironmentProperty in class Environment
$LocaleProperty in class Locale
$LocalizedResourceProperty in class LocalizedResource
LocalizedResource::setLocale() — Method in class LocalizedResource
Set the locale for this instance.
SpaceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
The Space class represents a single space identified by its ID and holding some metadata.
$SpaceProperty in class Space
$TagProperty in class Tag
ScopedJsonDecoderClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery
Manager::sync() — Method in class Manager
Manager::startSync() — Method in class Manager
Starts a new Synchronization.
Query::setType() — Method in class Query
Set the Type of event or resource to sync.
Query::setContentType() — Method in class Query
Set the content type to which results should be limited. Set to NULL to not filter for a content type.
SpaceTraitClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties\Component
$SpaceTraitProperty in class SpaceTrait
SpaceClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties


TagClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Mapper
Tag class.
$AssetProperty in class Asset
$FieldProperty in class Field
Type of the Field.
TagClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Resource
$BaseSystemPropertiesProperty in class BaseSystemProperties
TagTraitClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties\Component
$TagTraitProperty in class TagTrait
TagClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\SystemProperties


ClientOptions::usingDeliveryApi() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::usingPreviewApi() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::usesLowMemoryResourcePool() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::usesMessageLogging() — Method in class ClientOptions
$EditedTraitProperty in class EditedTrait


CacheWarmer::warmUp() — Method in class CacheWarmer
ClientOptions::withDefaultLocale() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::withHost() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::withCache() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::withLogger() — Method in class ClientOptions
Configure the Client to use any PSR-3 compatible logger.
ClientOptions::withHttpClient() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::withNormalResourcePool() — Method in class ClientOptions
Configures the client to use the default resource pool implementation, which may use more memory in extreme scenarios (tens of thousands of resources).
ClientOptions::withLowMemoryResourcePool() — Method in class ClientOptions
Configures the client to use a resource pool which will not cache entries and assets, which is useful when handling tens of thousand of resources, but it may cause extra API calls in normal scenarios.
ClientOptions::withoutMessageLogging() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::withQueryCache() — Method in class ClientOptions
WarmUpCacheCommandClass in namespace Contentful\Delivery\Console
Standard::warmUp() — Method in class Standard
$ExtendedProperty in class Extended
$ExtendedProperty in class Extended
When retrieving from cache, there's the risk of an endless loop, so we keep track of the resources we're currently warming up, and skip the process if we track that we're already in the process of doing so.
Extended::warmUp() — Method in class Extended
Skeleton method which a can be overridden.
Standard::warmUp() — Method in class Standard
Skeleton method which a can be overridden.
LocalizedResource::walkFallbackChain() — Method in class LocalizedResource


BaseCacheHandler::__construct() — Method in class BaseCacheHandler
CacheWarmer constructor.
Client::__construct() — Method in class Client
Client constructor.
ClientOptions::__construct() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions constructor.
Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
LinkResolver::__construct() — Method in class LinkResolver
LinkResolver constructor.
BaseMapper::__construct() — Method in class BaseMapper
BaseMapper constructor.
DeletedEntry::__construct() — Method in class DeletedEntry
BaseMapper constructor.
Standard::__construct() — Method in class Standard
ResourceBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ResourceBuilder
ResourceBuilder constructor.
Extended::__construct() — Method in class Extended
Simple constructor.
Standard::__construct() — Method in class Standard
Simple constructor.
BaseResource::__construct() — Method in class BaseResource
Resources in this SDK should not be built using $new Class().
Field::__construct() — Method in class Field
Regular field construction should happen through the field mapper.
Entry::__call() — Method in class Entry
Entry::__get() — Method in class Entry
Shortcut for accessing fields using $entry->fieldName.
Entry::__isset() — Method in class Entry
ScopedJsonDecoder::__construct() — Method in class ScopedJsonDecoder
ScopedJsonDecoder constructor.
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Manager constructor.
Result::__construct() — Method in class Result
Result constructor.
BaseSystemProperties::__construct() — Method in class BaseSystemProperties
SystemProperties constructor.
ContentType::__construct() — Method in class ContentType
ContentType constructor.
DeletedAsset::__construct() — Method in class DeletedAsset
DeletedAsset constructor.
DeletedContentType::__construct() — Method in class DeletedContentType
DeletedContentType constructor.
DeletedEntry::__construct() — Method in class DeletedEntry
DeletedEntry constructor.
Entry::__construct() — Method in class Entry
Entry constructor.
Locale::__construct() — Method in class Locale
Locale constructor.
LocalizedResource::__construct() — Method in class LocalizedResource
LocalizedResource constructor.