

A Client is used to communicate the Contentful Delivery API.
Content Types are schemas that define the fields of Entries. Every Entry can only contain values in the fields defined by it's Content Type, and the values of those fields must match the data type defined in the Content Type.
A ContentTypeField describes one field of a ContentType. This includes essential information for the display of the field's value.
ImageOptions allows specifying extended options to the Contentful Image API .
A link encodes a reference to a resource.
Value object encoding a locale.
A LocalizedResource can store information for multiple locales. The methods in this base class allow switching between the locales.
A Query is used to filter and order collections when making API requests.
The ResourceBuilder is responsible for turning the responses from the API into instances of PHP classes.
The Space class represents a single space identified by it's ID and holding some metadata.
A SpaceMismatchException is thrown when attempting to create a Resource for a different Space than the one configured for the client.
A SystemProperties instance contains the metadata of a resource.
