LocaleProps: {
    code: string;
    contentDeliveryApi: boolean;
    contentManagementApi: boolean;
    default: boolean;
    fallbackCode: string | null;
    internal_code: string;
    name: string;
    optional: boolean;
    sys: BasicMetaSysProps & {
        environment: SysLink;
        space: SysLink;

Type declaration

  • code: string

    Locale code (example: en-us)

  • contentDeliveryApi: boolean

    If the content under this locale should be available on the CDA (for public reading)

  • contentManagementApi: boolean

    If the content under this locale should be available on the CMA (for editing)

  • default: boolean

    If this is the default locale

  • fallbackCode: string | null

    Locale code to fallback to when there is not content for the current locale

  • internal_code: string

    Internal locale code

  • name: string

    Locale name

  • optional: boolean

    If the locale needs to be filled in on entries or not

  • sys: BasicMetaSysProps & {
        environment: SysLink;
        space: SysLink;