WebhookProps: {
    active: boolean;
    filters?: WebhookFilter[];
    headers: WebhookHeader[];
    httpBasicPassword?: string;
    httpBasicUsername?: string;
    name: string;
    sys: BasicMetaSysProps & {
        space: SysLink;
    topics: string[];
    transformation?: WebhookTransformation;
    url: string;

Type declaration

  • active: boolean

    Whether the Webhook is active. If set to false, no calls will be made

  • Optional filters?: WebhookFilter[]

    Webhook filters

  • headers: WebhookHeader[]

    Headers that should be appended to the webhook request

  • Optional httpBasicPassword?: string

    Password for basic http auth

  • Optional httpBasicUsername?: string

    Username for basic http auth

  • name: string

    Webhook name

  • sys: BasicMetaSysProps & {
        space: SysLink;

    System metadata

  • topics: string[]

    Topics the webhook wants to subscribe to

  • Optional transformation?: WebhookTransformation

    Transformation to apply

  • url: string

    Webhook url